Despite having a yak cold (he so kindly shared with me) Jackson has been in a great mood lately. I think he really likes walking. Tonight he started standing up from the ground on his own. It is so neat to watch. He then gets going to fast and gets so excited he falls! I again almost cried today as I realize he is growing so fast. Justin and I were talking today about how he just plays with things differently. He is a growing boy for sure.
I am going back to work full time next week for 3 months. I don't know what I was thinking. Prayers are for sure welcome as I am already struggling. It will be good for us financially but hard for me to give up my two "stay at home mom days" those days are hard work but I love them so. One day.....
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Things to come...
Today when we got home I was putting some things away and trying to figure out what to feed us. I opened the refrigerator (which Jackson can hear from a mile away) the next thing I knew Jackson was standing up grabbing his sippy cup that was on the top shelf. He then decided to stand in front of the fridge with the door open and drink his milk. I thought to myself... in about 15 years I am going to yell at him for doing the same thing as he guzzles straight out of the gallon. It just reminded me of how big he already is and how much we have to experience together. After he drank his milk he went for anything else in the fridge!!! That's when I closed the door!
He continues to w
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Big Steps!!!!
Jackson has been taking a step or two for a bit but today he was totally walking! The video is not the best as I was so excited! We cannot believe he is finally walking. He is so funny!
Monday, January 5, 2009
1st Birthday
We celebrated Jackson's first birthday! As we spent time together this weekend, Justin and I both just felt so lucky and blessed that we get to experience this. We are so happy to be able to raise such a curious, funny and handsome little man. We are also lucky we have great friends and families to share all these moments with. I can't even begin to express the thanks to everyone who helped celebrates Jackson's birthday with well wishes, joining in the celebration and/ or helping to prepare!
I have to brag about one of my sweetest friends Alli- she made this amazing Bear cake for Jackson! She also decorated the cupcakes and cookies- all of this with a 12 week old and a 2 year old in tow!! Our parents brought us some food and drinks so a huge help! We celebrated the day with 28 people in our townhouse- I of course was nervous because our place is small-(reason number 312 we can't wait to sell)- but it worked out great! Everyone was close and cozy!
Everything turned out great and I think Jackson had a great birthday! We now don't have too much planned over the next several months so it will be nice just to relax. Of course I have tasks of switching Jackson to Milk, getting rid of the bottles and also getting the small one to walk!
Thanks everyone for your support this first year- we could not have made it through without you- even if it was just listening to me talk about lack of sleep or funny poops!
(see picture of Jackson- you can see Chewy close by his high chair ready for cake! Also his feet all tucked under!)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Beginning to Celebrate
We started celebrating Jackson's First Birthday today. We had a family day full of fun! We took Jackson on a ride on the Carousel. He really liked it! We also went to Build a Bear! Jackson built BIG AL! His first Build a Bear friend. We finished the day with a nice walk outside just before it got too cold! Tomorrow is time with family and friends celebrating! We will be sure to post more soon!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Christmas Pictures
The second is us after opening gifts on Christmas at Justin's parents house with his whole family. It was such a great time to all be together.
The last is Jackson and Maxwell all dressed up after church. Yes- Jackson is wearing a tie!!! He had a great time with his cousin.
Now we are preparing for Jackson's big birthday celebration! So exciting!
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