We celebrated Jackson's first birthday! As we spent time together this weekend, Justin and I both just felt so lucky and blessed that we get to experience this. We are so happy to be able to raise such a curious, funny and handsome little man. We are also lucky we have great friends and families to share all these moments with. I can't even begin to express the thanks to everyone who helped celebrates Jackson's birthday with well wishes, joining in the celebration and/ or helping to prepare!
I have to brag about one of my sweetest friends Alli- she made this amazing Bear cake for Jackson! She also decorated the cupcakes and cookies- all of this with a 12 week old and a 2 year old in tow!! Our parents brought us some food and drinks so a huge help! We celebrated the day with 28 people in our townhouse- I of course was nervous because our place is small-(reason number 312 we can't wait to sell)- but it worked out great! Everyone was close and cozy!
Everything turned out great and I think Jackson had a great birthday! We now don't have too much planned over the next several months so it will be nice just to relax. Of course I have tasks of switching Jackson to Milk, getting rid of the bottles and also getting the small one to walk!
Thanks everyone for your support this first year- we could not have made it through without you- even if it was just listening to me talk about lack of sleep or funny poops!
(see picture of Jackson- you can see Chewy close by his high chair ready for cake! Also his feet all tucked under!)
you are too sweet:) I love doing that kind of stuff and was happy to help - especially for my sweet Jackson! So glad he had a good bday - he is lucky to have such great parents!
Fantastic party - Logan had a great time!! It worked out perfect and we were so happy to be able to see J on his big day!
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