Friday, February 4, 2011

Just some things to remember

I feel like I am always posting fun pictures or silly stories which are great things to remember and share. But often times through the day Jackson does or says something that I just always want to remember. Really I want to remember every minute because it is going to fast. I truly feel each age and stage is better then the last, but still don't want the current stage to pass.

Each Mother's Day I make a "blog book" so I print all the posts from the previous year. I provide a book to each of our parents and keep a nice hard back book for us. I get a sense of pride from keeping all these moments for our family (I feel it is something I actually do right). When Jackson was little it was just little stories or pictures, but now I feel like I could write a book about each day as each one he does something funny, silly or incredibly sweet and even at times frustrating.

So below are a few moments I want to remember for me and hopefully when Jackson's children are reading our family book one day they laugh at him, us and our attempts to be good parents.

Jackson went to preschool for just a few hours.

I picked up Jackson today and this is our conversation.
Mom "Did you have a good time at preschool Jackson?"
Jack "Absolutely Doggg"
Mom "Really?"
Jack "Don't mess with me Doggg"

Another frequent conversation
Jack "Mom I love you" "Mom your pretty"
Mom "Jackson your handsome and I love you"

Funny thing he is doing these day...
Jackson has a demo blackberry. Justin works for Tmobile so he is always on his phone and I am not much better with being on mine for work either. Jackson now state "I have a work call" gets his phone out of his pocket and walks around the house speaking total gibberish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like that you had this post :) I know what you mean about trying to 'remember every minute because it is going so fast' - with pictures/writing and capturing the moment this way, it helps to seal it shut. great blog!