Today when we got home I was putting some things away and trying to figure out what to feed us. I opened the refrigerator (which Jackson can hear from a mile away) the next thing I knew Jackson was standing up grabbing his sippy cup that was on the top shelf. He then decided to stand in front of the fridge with the door open and drink his milk. I thought to myself... in about 15 years I am going to yell at him for doing the same thing as he guzzles straight out of the gallon. It just reminded me of how big he already is and how much we have to experience together. After he drank his milk he went for anything else in the fridge!!! That's when I closed the door!
He continues to w
That is a hilarious and oh so going to happen glimpse into your future! :) Too cute!
How cute!!! He's growing up so fast!
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