Sunday, September 26, 2010

A little more then planned

Take one guy with a pair of tree trimming shears

Add a HUGE machine

A Big Kid having fun

And a A little guy who is a BIGGER helper

And the result is a huge unplanned for for big project Saturday morning.
Justin started to trim trees in our yard and went a little over board. It actually all turned out great with the help of Pappa Freddie.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Up in the Air

We had a weekend of looking to the sky. On Friday evening we enjoyed a Hot Air Balloon Launch in south Overland Park. It was a little delayed but worth it to see almost 20 hot air balloons fill up with air and float away about 20 feet in front of us. We enjoyed the event with JJ, Gretchen and the girls.
On Saturday we joined Poppy at the Whiteman Air Force Base Wings Over Whiteman Air Show. My Dad is a retired Officer in the US Air Force so I have always thought there was something magical about the Air Force and all the special planes they fly. I grew up on or next to an Air Force Base until I left for college. My dad retired when I was 8 years old and we stayed right next to Whiteman which became the home of the Big Daddy B2 Bomber. Today they had a big show with lots of different planes you could get into and also some neat ones flying over head. They even had some dropping bombs in the distance! Although it was a little hot out on the flight line it was pretty neat to be there!

Just another packed Fall weekend for us!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

First Day Of Preschool

Jackson started preschool on Tuesday, September 7, 2010. It was an emotional day for all of us. Luckily Justin arranged his travel schedule so he could be home the morning and evening of this big day.

For June, July and August Jackson was cared for by one of my best friends, Alli (along with 2 of Jackson's best friends BrodyMason), my sister in law Gretchen (along with Jackson's 3 favorite girl cousins in Kansas) and my parents. So he was spoiled with love, attention and lots of fun time over the summer. We were also spoiled with knowing he was in great hands each and every minute.

We searched and toured a few places before choosing Holy Cross Catholic Early Education Center for Jackson to attend this fall. The plan is for him to attend this school until Kindergarten. On Friday, September 3 we attended an orientation day. It was just an hour where Jackson went to his classroom while Justin and I listened to stuff we needed to know. Unfortunately they talked for about 15 minutes about the car line and it was kind of silly! Regardless I thought it would go great because we would be near. I was completely wrong. Jackson cried almost the entire time saying "I need my mom" It was heart breaking to hear him so upset. I would say Jackson is a mommas boy- and that is putting it mildly. He is with me so much that he is pretty attached. So after orientation day I was extremely worried, anxious and overwhelmed at the thought of sending him to preschool.

We made arrangements so that we could gradually transition Jackson into preschool over the week. The first morning we all got ready and traveled to preschool together. As we pulled in Jackson started to cry and say "I don't want to go to preschool." We assured him it would be so fun and that he would get to meet new friends and have snack. We also assured him I would pick him up right after preschool class. As we walked him in, he cried. As we left I cried. He did calm down a bit after our routine of Big Hug, High 5 and Knuckles.

His teacher, Mrs. Bridges reported he did pretty well with no tears after we left. Each day this week got a little better. By Thursday he did not cry when I dropped him off or picked him up and didn't really cry much during the day.

So we made it... Jackson is officially in PRESCHOOL!